Thursday, November 24, 2005


I am thankful to be a fool, dolt and moron-

I hear it all the time in the media and from some of my friends. President Bush is a fool, a dolt, a moron. The insults fly much faster than any facts and the implication is always there: If you agree with "him" you must also be deficient. I must be a fool too because:

I believe that the United States is unquestionably a force for good in the world. I could site case after case but if you don't believe it, you will never listen.

I believe that people who serve in our military are responding to a higher calling to serve their country. I could list my facts but if you don't believe it, you will never listen.

I believe that ALL people want to live free, peaceful lives and the United States should help them. I could go through the argument but if you don't believe it, you will never listen.

I believe that there is evil in this world, that some views are plainly wrong, and that some ideas are worth the risk of life. I could try to explain it but if you don't believe it, you will never listen.

Yes, I am a fool. The war for the liberation of the people of Iraq is not "Mr. Bushes" alone, it is mine to. I hope I never "smarten up."

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