Thursday, December 01, 2005


Wow, I Made a Mistake

In my last post I said that I am not really political but it is just the GWOT. I lied! I started to think about it, and it is not just the Islamic terrorist because they are not the only ones threatening our way of life and the country I love dearly. It is also the MSM, Democrats, Communist (yes, there are still some out there, I actually know ONE) and the mis-informed.

Now that was a close call! I almost crossed over to the dark side of political correctness! Never again!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


The Global War On Terror

I have been accused of being coming very political in the past few years. I want to clarify. I do not enjoy politics and my involvement is limited to one basic issue: The Global War On Terror.

Nothing else matters. This is the fight of our century and if we loose this one, our grandchildren's grandchildren will still be dealing with the consequences.

Everything we hold dear is threatened by this war. They hate our way of life, not just the materialism, but the freedom of women, the tolerance of other religions, the western concepts of justice. Everything.

They are ruthless and truly global.

The Iraqi War is just one battlefield but it is a very important one that we must win.


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